It was my Dad's 60th birthday on Sunday so at the weekend we had a bit of a family get together to celebrate. I left work at midday on Friday and made my way through the snow and ice to get to Gorleston in Norfolk. Was a bit of a trek cross country in the snow but I managed it.
On Saturday my sister and brother-in-law and myself met up with my brother and his wife and of course my dad too in a pub in Norwich for some lunch. Following lunch we walked to the football ground to watch Norwich vs Huddersfield with some friends. For those of you who aren't familiar with English Football or indeed Norwich City football team then you may not know that Delia Smith is the director of the club! We had really good seats and were sitting opposite the dug outs (is that what they're called?!) and spotted Delia cheering on Norwich! To be honest the first half of the match was awful! It was very very cold and Huddersfield were all over us. At half time, with a goalless, we were all saying that we didin't think Norwich were going to win.
We had paid a bit extra for our tickets so that we could put a happy birthday message into the programme with a photo of dad. It was a photo from when he was about 2! He looked very cute and actually very much like my nephew. What was a surprise though was when it got to half time the message and photo also came up on the score board! It was sooooo funny seeing a pic of my dad scrolling down the score board. I think dad liked it all and it was all a surprise for him so that was good.
I think Paul Lambert, Norwich's manager, must have been giving the team a bit of his mind during half time as when they came back on the pitch they seemed to be on top form. The goals didn't stop coming! In the end the score was 3-0 which made the minus 3 celcius temperature we'd sat through to watch the game all worth it!
After the match we had booked a table at Delia's restaurant for the early bird deal! She has her one and only (I think!) restaurant at the football ground and runs a meal deal for post football. When we began to thaw out though from the cold I think we all went into shock and we could begin to actually feel how cold we really were! It started hurting loads!! Once we had thawed out we had a great time. Towards the end of the meal the evening punters began arriving and you could tell the difference between the post football crowd and them as we all had jeans and jumpers and jumpers and more jumpers on and scarves and hats and looking plain scruffy whereas they all had suits on and looking very posh! The restaurant were really good though and we didn't feel at all rushed to finish our meals and get out!
The highlight was when we were all at the reception area putting our coats and hats back on and in walked Delia herself! We didn't really expect to see her there but she must have been staying in Norwich that evening. It would've been better if she had have walked out of the kitchen rather than in from outside! Anyway it was a nice evening with gorgeous food and definitely worth going.Of course it also ticks off one of my tasks!