Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Scuba dooba

Last night I went scuba diving! It was a 'try-dive' in a specialist pool which had a shallow end of about a metre deep and then a deep end which was 3 metres deep. I had a great time and enjoyed it loads. I am going to Lanzarote over Christmas with a friend who wants to go scuba diving while we're there. We decided that we would try it out in a pool first to see if we could do it and whether we would enjoy it.
The session lasted an hour and a half and we were shown how to do a couple of things that we may need to do on a longer dive. We had to learn how to take our mouth pieces out while underwater and put them back in again as well as filling our googles with water and emptying them again underwater. I found the mouth piece part surprisingly easy and relatively comfortable. I can't say the same about filling and emptying my googles though! I think just the thought of having to fill my googles with water scared me and then I couldn't get it out again. You had to just breath out of your nose to do it but I can't seem to do that with my mouth open, which it technically is as it's round a mouth piece! I managed to do it once but it was more of a fluke than anything as I certainly couldn't do it again when I tried!
Once we had spent some time doing this we were then able to go down to the deep end. We had to gradually go down using a slope from the shallow end to the deep. It was quite uncomfortable on my ears. I kept swallowing and clearing them by holding my nose and blowing but they did still hurt a little bit. Once I was down on the bottom though I just had to remember to keep clearing them and it was fine! The feeling of weightlessness was awesome. To just sweep along the bottom and lying horizontally was brilliant.
I'm now excited about going diving in lanzarote. It will be great to dive in the sea and get to see some sealife! I am a bit anxious about whether my ears will cope in even deeper water but I will just have to give it a try and keep remembering to acclimatise my ears by swallowing or holding my nose. If I get on with it in Lanzarote I may even put on this list of things to do the open water diving course for some point in the future!

Friday, 6 November 2009


Ok so yes maybe it really isn't that hard but adding a link to my blogs has seemed to have stumpted me! I would always click on the add link then write the address in and click ok and yet it still wouldn't work! Having spoken to a colleague of mine I have realised that yes it was me being dumb. I need to highlight the text I want to be the link! So here goes I am going to now try crossing of my first thing to do on this blog by directing you all to my other blog. My other blog is my 30/30 challenge which is where I am trying to achieve 30 tasks before I turn 30. If you would like to see my trials and tribulations with that then just click here!

Thursday, 5 November 2009


I saw the above quote today and it made me think. So much of the time we hear people talk about 'finding ourselves' or maybe we even say it ourselves. I'm sure I have at some point or other. But actually we are who we want to be. Our lives are what we make them. Instead of trying to find somebody who hasn't existed yet (afterall we're all unique so this is me living for the first time) I want to start living my life as I want it to be. Our lives are what we create them to be and from now on I am going to knowingly and more consciously create mine! The life I want to create is a life full of having good times, doing the things that I want to do and what I enjoy!

The person to blame for my new hedonistic ideals is Dannie. She is a good friend of mine who are at the beginning of this year started a challenge to do 101 things of her choosing in 1001 days. Her enthusiasm for getting out and about doing stuff soon rubbed off on me and got me drawing up my own list of what I want to do. Knowing me as I know me I realised that setting a goal to get that many things in that time scale was probably setting myself up for failure before I even begun so I decided to choose just 30 things to do before I turned 30. That gave me just over two years!

I'm just 4 months into my 30 before I'm 30 Challenge and I've been sucked right into the challenge bug! To be honest I think it is down to the fact that I have a list with the things I'm to do and I get to tick the things off when I've done them. Ok, so I'm a complete sucker for lists! I am doing more things with my time mainly down to my friend dragging me along to all the things she's got on her list but also because I have my own to do too. Dannie has now created a 'life list' which incorporates everything she wants to do at some point before she dies. This blog is basically me stealing that idea and using it for myself!

As you will see to the right there is a list of things to do (I did warn you I was a sucker for lists!) and as I do them they will gradually get crossed off. But some of them may take some time. That's ok though as this is about creating me, creating my life. I have the rest of my life to do them in which why it is called to 30 and beyond. There is no time scale. Okay so I realise that I'm not going to live forever and I accept that I may die before I complete all of these things. Having said that it is my intention to do every single one of them.

I take my vow before you all today that from this day I will live my life looking for opportunities to complete tasks that are on the list today and the tasks that will gradually appear as I want to do more and more things. You will NEVER hear me say "Oh I would love to do that but I doubt I ever will" because from now on if there is something I think I would enjoy and will hurt no-one in the process of doing it I will make it my aim to make sure I do it. So if I don't do anything which is written on my things to do it won't be for want of trying!