Friday, 6 November 2009


Ok so yes maybe it really isn't that hard but adding a link to my blogs has seemed to have stumpted me! I would always click on the add link then write the address in and click ok and yet it still wouldn't work! Having spoken to a colleague of mine I have realised that yes it was me being dumb. I need to highlight the text I want to be the link! So here goes I am going to now try crossing of my first thing to do on this blog by directing you all to my other blog. My other blog is my 30/30 challenge which is where I am trying to achieve 30 tasks before I turn 30. If you would like to see my trials and tribulations with that then just click here!

1 comment:

  1. Lol - you always manage to make me smile just when I need it. Well done on your new blog, and I will read with interest.
